GPU Programming for Video Games
Summer 2014
Homework #6: Peeking at Performance
Due: Friday, July 25 at 23:59:59 (via T-square)
Predicting and measuring
the performance is tricky and often counterintuitive. Because of
the myriad of complex ways that GPU cores interact with the frame buffer,
the main memory, and the CPU, it is quite easy
to draw the wrong conclusions.
But, we’re going to take a stab at it anyway.
We began the course with the basic Blinn-Phong specular model, so that is
how we will end it.
For this assignment, you will Cg/HLSL code for a basic
pixel-lit, diffuse+specular
shader (using regular vertex and fragment shaders, not Unity’s
Surface Shaders)
two ways:
1) Using “max” and “pow,” as we have always done, and