
Book Chapters

  1. A. Srivastava, A.D. Lanterman, U. Grenander, M. Loizeaux, and M.I. Miller, “Monte Carlo Techniques for Automated Target Recognition,” Chapter 26 in Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice, Eds. A. Doucet, N. de Freitas, and N. Gordon, Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 533-552.
  2. A.D. Lanterman, “Hypothesis Testing for Poisson versus Geometric Distributions using Stochastic Complexity,” Chapter 4 in Advances in Minimum Description Length: Theory and Applications, Eds. P. Grunwald, I.J. Myung, and M. Pitt, MIT Press, 2005, pp. 99-123.

Published and Accepted Journal Articles

  1. D.L. Snyder, M. Faisal, C.W. Helstrom, A.D. Lanterman, and R.L. White, “Compensation for Readout Noise in Charge-Coupled-Device Images,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 12, No. 2, Feb. 1995, pp. 272-283.
  2. M. Faisal, A.D. Lanterman, D.L. Snyder, and R.L. White, “Implementation of a Modified Richardson-Lucy Method for Image Restoration on a Massively Parallel Computer to Compensate for Space-Variant Point Spread of a Charge-Coupled-Device Camera,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 12, No. 12, Dec. 1995, pp. 2593-2603.
  3. A.D. Lanterman, M.I. Miller, and D.L. Snyder, “General Metropolis-Hastings Jump-Diffusions for Automatic Target Recognition in Infrared Scenes,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 4, April 1997, pp. 1123-1137.
  4. A.D. Lanterman, J.A. O’Sullivan, and M.I. Miller, “Kullback-Leibler Distances for Quantifying Clutter and Models,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 2, Dec. 1999, pp. 2134-2146.
  5. A.D. Lanterman, U. Grenander, and M.I. Miller, “Bayesian Segmentation via Asymptotic Partition Functions,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 22, No. 4, April 2000, pp. 337-347.
  6. A.D. Lanterman, “Bayesian Inference of Thermodynamic State Incorporating Schwarz-Rissanen Complexity for Infrared Target Recognition,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 5, May 2000, pp. 1282-1292.
  7. A.D. Lanterman, “Schwarz, Wallace, and Rissanen: Intertwining Themes in Theories of Model Selection,” International Statistical Review, Vol. 69, No. 2, Aug. 2001, pp. 185-212.
  8. A.D. Lanterman, “Jump-Diffusion Algorithm for Multiple Target Recognition Using Laser Radar Range Data,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 8, Aug. 2001, pp. 1724-1728.
  9. M. Brandfass, A.D. Lanterman, and K.F. Warnick, “A Comparison of the Colton-Kirsch Inverse Scattering Method with Linearized Tomographic Inverse Scattering,” Inverse Problems, Vol. 17, No. 6, Dec. 2001, pp. 1797-1816.
  10. A.D. Lanterman, D.C. Munson, Jr., and Y. Wu, “Wide-Angle Radar Imaging Using Wigner-Ville Distributions,” IEE Proc. – Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol. 150, No. 4, Aug. 2003, pp. 203-211.
  11. K. Choi and A.D. Lanterman, “An Iterative Deautoconvolution Algorithm for Nonnegative Functions,” Inverse Problems, Vol. 21, No. 3, June 2005, pp. 981-995.
  12. M. Çetin and A.D. Lanterman, “Region-Enhanced Passive Radar Imaging,” IEE Proc. – Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol. 152, No. 3, June 2005, pp. 185-194.
  13. M. Tobias and A.D. Lanterman, “Probability Hypothesis Density-Based Multitarget Tracking with Bistatic Range and Doppler Observations,” IEE Proc. – Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol. 152, No. 3, June 2005, pp. 195-205.
  14. K. Choi, A.D. Lanterman, and J. Shin, “Regularized Minimum I-Divergence Methods for the Inverse Blackbody Radiation Problem,” Inverse Problems, Vol. 22, No. 4, Aug. 2006, pp. 1381-1403.
  15. K. Choi, A.D. Lanterman, and R. Raich, “Convergence of the Schulz-Snyder Phase Retrieval Algorithm to Local Minima,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 23, No. 8, Aug. 2006, pp. 1835-1845.
  16. K. Choi and A.D. Lanterman, “Phase Retrieval from Noisy Data Based on Minimization of Penalized I-Divergence,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan. 2007, pp. 34-49.
  17. L.M. Ehrman and A.D. Lanterman, “An EKF for Estimating Aircraft Orientation from Velocity Measurements,” IET Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 2008, pp. 12-16.
  18. M. Tobias and A.D. Lanterman, “Techniques for Birth Particle Placement in the PHD Particle Filter Applied to Passive Radar,” IET Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol. 2, No. 5, Oct. 2008, pp. 351-365.
  19. K.L. Dunkle, L. Greenberg, A. Lanterman, R. Stephenson, and S. Allen, “Source of New Infections in Generalised HIV Epidemics – Authors’ Reply (invited correspondence),” The Lancet, Vol. 372, No. 9646, 17 Oct. 2008, pp. 1300-1301.
  20. W.F. Leven and A.D. Lanterman, “Unscented Kalman Filters for Multiple Target Tracking with Symmetric Measurement Equations,” IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 54, No. 2, Feb. 2009, pp. 370-375.
  21. R.D. Palkki and A.D. Lanterman, “Chemical Mixture Estimation under a Poisson Raman Spectroscopy Model,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 49, Nov. 2010, 113601, doi:10.1117/1.3506203.
  22. R.D. Palkki, A.D. Lanterman, and W.D. Blair, “Addressing Track Hypothesis Coalescence in Sequential K-Best Multiple Hypothesis Tracking,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 47, No. 3, July 2011, pp. 1551-1563.
  23. R.D. Palkki and A.D. Lanterman, “Minimum Description Length Approach to Detecting Chemicals via their Raman Spectra,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 50, July 2011, 083601, doi:10.1117/1.3609805.
  24. M.S. Davis, G.A. Showman, and A.D. Lanterman, “Coherent MIMO Radar: The Phased Array and Orthogonal Waveforms,” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 29, No. 8, Part 2, Aug. 2014, pp. 76-91, doi:10.1109/MAES.2014.130148.
  25. S.H. Nease, A.D. Lanterman, and J.O. Hasler, “A Transistor Ladder Voltage-Controlled Filter Implemented on a Field Programmable Analog Array,” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 62, No. 9, Sept. 2014, pp. 611-618.
  26. L.C. Cobo, K. Subramanian, C.L Isbell, Jr., A.D. Lanterman, and A.L. Thomaz, “Abstraction from Demonstration for Efficient Reinforcement Learning in High-Dimensional Domains,” Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 216, Nov. 2014, pp. 103-128, doi:10.1016/j.artint.2014.07.003.
  27. N.H. Sephus, A.D. Lanterman, and D.V. Anderson, “Modulation Spectral Features: In Pursuit of Invariant Representations of Music with Application to Unsupervised Source Identification,” Journal of New Music Research, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2015, pp. 58-70, doi:10.1080/09298215.2014.916723.
  28. J.H. Bang, W.L. Melvin, and A.D. Lanterman, “Model-Based Clutter Cancellation Based on Enhanced Knowledge-Aided Parametric Covariance Estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 51, No. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 154-166, doi:10.1109/TAES.2014.130413.
  29. M.S. Davis and A.D. Lanterman, “Minimum Integrated Sidelobe Ratio Filters for MIMO Radar,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 51, No. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 405-416, doi:10.1109/TAES.2014.130745.
  30. M.S. Davis and A.D. Lanterman, “Aliasing in Recurrently Sampled Signals with an Application to Synthetic Aperture Imaging,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 63, No. 12, June 15, 2015, pp. 3088-3095, doi:10.1109/TSP.2015.2417503.
  31. J.D. Glass, W.D. Blair, and A.D. Lanterman, “Joint-Bin Monopulse Processing of Rayleigh Targets,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 63, No. 24, 2015, pp. 6673-6683, doi:10.1109/TSP.2015.2478749.
  32. J.S. Wilcher, A.D. Lanterman, and W.L. Melvin, “Using an Information-Theoretic Measure to Inform Distributed Radar Placement for ATR,” IET Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol. 10, No. 6, June 2016, pp. 1098-1106, doi:10.1049/iet-rsn.2015.0451.
  33. J.H. Bang, W.L. Melvin, and A.D. Lanterman, “Knowledge-Aided Covariance Matrix Estimation in Spiky Radar Clutter Environments,” Electronics, Special Issue on Radio and Radar Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 9, 2017, 9 pages, doi:10.3390/electronics6010020.
  34. A.D. Harper, J.T. Reed, J.L. Odom, A.D. Lanterman, and X. Ma, “Performance of a Linear-Detector Joint Radar-Communication System in Doubly-Selective Channels,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 53, No. 2, April 2017, pp. 703-715, doi:10.1109/TAES.2017.2664481.
  35. J.L. Reed, A.D. Lanterman, and J.M. Trostel, “Weather Radar: Operation and Phenomenology,” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 32, No. 7, July 2017, pp. 46-62, doi: 10.1109/MAES.2017.150178.
  36. S.H. Nease, A.D. Lanterman, and J.O. Hasler, “Application of Current-Starved Inverters to Music Synthesis on Field Programmable Analog Arrays,” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, fully accepted for publication, final files provided to typesetters Dec. 2017.

Conference Presentations with Proceedings (Refereed)

  1. L. Snyder, A.D. Lanterman, and M.I. Miller, “An Extension of Good’s Roughness Penalty for Nonparametric Density-Estimation,” Proc. 30th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 30 Sept – 1 Oct., 1992, pp. 329.
  2. L. Snyder, A.D. Lanterman, and M.I. Miller, “Regularizing Images in Emission Tomography via an Extension of Good’s Roughness Penalty,” Record of the 1992 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conf., Vol. 2, 25-31 Oct. 1992, p. 1223.
  3. L. Snyder, C.W. Helstrom, A.D. Lanterman, and M. Faisal, “Evaluation of a Function Occurring in Maximum-Likelihood Image-Restoration for CCD Camera Data,” Proc. 31st Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL, Sept. 1993, p. 492.
  4. L. Snyder, C.W. Helstrom, A.D. Lanterman, M. Faisal, and R.L. White, “Compensation for Read-out Noise in HST Image Restoration,” The Restoration of HST Images and Spectra II, Proc. Image Restoration Workshop, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 1993, pp. 139-154.
  5. D. Lanterman, “Radar Imaging with Variations of an Expectation-Maximization Algorithm,” Proc. 1999 IEEE Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification, and Imaging, Santa Fe, NM, Feb. 24-26 1999, p. 51.
  6. W. Rieken, A.D. Lanterman, and D.R. Fuhrmann, “Spatial Spectrum Estimation for Time-Varying Arrays Using the EM Algorithm,” Proc. 38th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Vol. 1, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 4-6 Oct. 2000, pp. 648-657.
  7. M. Ehrman and A.D. Lanterman, “A Robust Algorithm for Automatic Target Recognition using Passive Radar,” 36th IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Atlanta, GA, March 14-16, 2004, pp. 102-106.
  8. F. Leven and A.D. Lanterman, “Multiple Target Tracking with Symmetric Measurement Equations using Unscented Kalman and Particle Filters,” 36th IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Atlanta, GA, March 14-16, 2004, pp. 195-199.
  9. Tobias and A.D. Lanterman, “A Probability Hypothesis Density-Based Multitarget Tracker using Multiple Bistatic Range and Velocity Measurements,” 36th IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Atlanta, GA, March 14-16, 2004, pp. 205-209.
  10. D. Palkki, A.D. Lanterman, and W.D. Blair, “Addressing Track Coalescence in Sequential K-Best Multiple Hypothesis Tracking,” Proc. of the 38th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, March 5, 2006, pp. 503-507.
  11. Mallick, B. Drake, H. Park, A. Register, D. Blair, P. West, A. Lanterman, D. Emge, “Comparison of Raman Spectra Estimation Algorithms,” 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, Seattle, WA, July 6-9, 2009, pp. 2239-2246.
  12. D. Palkki and A.D. Lanterman, “Algorithms and Performance Bounds for Chemical Identification under a Poisson Model for Raman Spectroscopy,” 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, Seattle, WA, July 6-9, 2009, pp. 2231-2238.
  13. H. Bang, W.L. Melvin, and A. Lanterman, “STAP Performance in K-Distributed Clutter,” 2010 IEEE Radar Conference, Arlington, VA, May 10-14, 2010, pp. 1089-1093.
  14. D. Glass and A.D. Lanterman, “MIMO Radar Target Tracking using the Probability Hypothesis Density Filter,” 2012 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, March 3-10, 2012, pp. 1-8.
  15. Sale, C.J. Rozell, J.K. Romberg, and A.D. Lanterman, “Compressive LADAR in realistic environments,” 2012 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, Aug. 5-8, 2012, pp. 720-723.
  16. Sale, C.J. Rozell, J.K. Romberg, and A.D. Lanterman, “Compressive LADAR Detector Noise Performance,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 4-7, 2012, pp. 416-420.
  17. Wilcher, W.L. Melvin, and A. Lanterman, “Improved Distributed Automatic Target Recognition Performance via Spatial Diversity and Data Fusion,” 2013 IEEE Radar Conference, Ottawa, Canada, April 29-May 3, 2013, doi:10.1109/RADAR.2013.6586031.
  18. H. Sephus, A.D. Lanterman, and D.V. Anderson, “Exploring Frequency Modulation Features and Resolution in the Modulation Spectrum.” 2013 IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop, Napa, CA, Aug. 11-14, 2013, pp. 169-174.
  19. Lanterman, M. Giardino, J.E. Michaels, B. Ferri, W. Hunt, A. Ferri, “Embedding Low-Cost, Portable Experiments into a Lecture-Based Signals and Systems Course,” 2014 American Control Conference, Portland, OR, June 4-6, 2014, pp. 2543-2549.
  20. S. Davis and A.D. Lanterman, “Optimal Filtering for MIMO SAR: Mismatched Filters for Minimum Integrated Sidelobe Ratio,” 2014 European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Berlin, Germany, June 2-6, 2014, pp. 884-887.
  21. Wilcher, W.L. Melvin, and A. Lanterman, “Improved Distributed Automatic Target Recognition Performance by Exploiting Dominant Scatterer Spatial Diversity,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2-Nov. 5, 2014, doi:10.1109/ACSSC.2014.7094419.
  22. Wilcher, W.L. Melvin, and A. Lanterman, “An Information-Theoretical Approach to Sensor Placement in a Multi-Sensor Automatic Target Recognition Environment,” 2015 IEEE Radar Conference, Arlington, VA, May 11-15, 2015, doi:10.1109/RADAR.2015.7130988.
  23. R. Krier, M.C. Norko, J.T. Reed, R.J. Baxley, A.D. Lanterman, X. Ma, and J.R. Barry, “Performance Bounds for an OFDM-Based Joint Radar and Communications System,” Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Tampa, FL, Oct. 26-28, 2015, pp. 511-516.
  24. D. Harper, J.T. Reed, J.L. Odom, and A.D. Lanterman, “Performance of a Joint Radar-Communication System in Doubly-Selective Channels,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 8-11, 2015, pp. 1369-1373, doi:10.1109/ACCSC.2015.7421366.
  25. T. Reed, J.L. Odom, R.T. Causey, and A.D. Lanterman, “Gaussian Multiple Access Channels for Radar and Communications Spectrum Sharing,” 2016 IEEE Radar Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May 2-6, 2016, pp. 1369-1373: doi:10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485104.
  26. S. Wilcher, A.D. Lanterman, and W.L. Melvin “Using an Information-Theoretic Sensor Placement Algorithm to Assess Classifier Robustness,” 2016 IEEE Radar Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May 2-6, 2016, doi:10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485233.

Non-refereed Conference Publications with Proceedings

  1. D. Lanterman, M.I. Miller, D.L. Snyder, and W.J. Miceli, “Jump-Diffusion Processes for the Automated Understanding of FLIR Scenes,” Automatic Object Recognition IV, Proc. SPIE 2234, Ed: F.J. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 1994, pp. 416-427.
  2. D. Lanterman, M.I. Miller, and D.L. Snyder, “Implementation of Jump-Diffusion Algorithms for Understanding FLIR Scenes,” Automatic Object Recognition V, Proc. SPIE 2485, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 1995, pp. 309-320.
  3. D. Lanterman, M.I. Miller, and D.L. Snyder, “The Unification of Detection, Tracking, and Recognition for Millimeter Wave and Infrared Sensors,” Radar/Ladar Processing, Proc. SPIE 2562, Ed. William J. Miceli, San Diego, CA, July 1995, pp. 150-161.
  4. D. Lanterman, M.I. Miller, and D.L. Snyder, “Automatic Target Recognition via the Simulation of Infrared Scenes,” Proc. of the Sixth Annual Ground Target Modeling and Validation Conference, Keweenaw Research Center, Michigan Tech. Univ., Houghton, MI, August 1995, pp. 195-204.
  5. Cooper, A. Lanterman, S. Joshi, and M. Miller, “Representing The Variation of Thermodynamic State Via Principal Components Analysis,” Proc. Third Workshop On Conventional Weapon ATR, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL, pp. 479-490, 1996.
  6. D. Lanterman, M.I. Miller, and D.L. Snyder, “Representations of Thermodynamic Variability in the Automated Understanding of FLIR Scenes,” Automatic Object Recognition VI, Proc. SPIE 2756, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 1996, pp. 26-37.
  7. D. Lanterman, M.I. Miller, and D.L. Snyder, “Representations of Shape for Structural Inference in Infrared Scenes,” Automatic Object Recognition VII, Proc. SPIE 3069, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando FL, April 1997, pp. 257-268.
  8. D. Lanterman, M.I. Miller, and D.L. Snyder, “Minimum Description Length Understanding of Infrared Scenes,” Automatic Object Recognition VIII, Proc. SPIE 3371, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 1998, pp. 375-386.
  9. C. Zhu, A.D. Lanterman, and M.I. Miller, “Clutter Modeling and Performance Analysis in Automatic Target Recognition,” Proc. Workshop on Detection and Classification of Difficult Targets, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, June 1998, pp. 477-496.
  10. D. Lanterman, M.L. Cooper, and M.I. Miller, “Efficient Estimation of Thermodynamic State Incorporating Bayesian Model Order Selection,” Automatic Target Recognition IX, Proc. SPIE 3718, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 1999, pp. 2-13.
  11. D. Lanterman, “Tracking and Recognition of Airborne Targets via Commercial Television and FM Radio Signals,” Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XIII, Proc. SPIE 3692, Eds: M.K. Masten and L.A. Stockum, Orlando, FL, April 1999, pp. 189-198.
  12. D. Lanterman, “Application of an Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Structured Covariance Estimation to Radio Astronomy,” URSI National Radio Science Meeting Program and Abstracts, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 4-8 January 2000, p. 197.
  13. D. Devore, A.D. Lanterman, and J.A. O’Sullivan, “ATR Performance of a Rician Model for SAR images,” Automatic Target Recognition X, Proc. SPIE 4050, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 2000, pp. 34-45.
  14. D. Lanterman, “Statistical Radar Imaging of Diffuse and Specular Targets Using an Expectation-Maximization Algorithm,” Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VII, Proc. SPIE 4053, Ed: E.G. Zelnio, Orlando, FL, April 2000, pp. 20-31.
  15. C. Zhu, A.L. Yuille, and A.D. Lanterman, “ATR Applications of Minimax Entropy Models of Texture and Shape,” Automatic Target Recognition XI, Proc. SPIE 4379, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 2001, pp. 574-583.
  16. D. Lanterman, “Efficient Implementation of an Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Imaging Diffuse Radar Targets,” Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VIII, Proc. SPIE 4382, Ed: E.G. Zelnio, Orlando, FL, April 2001, pp. 49-59.
  17. Wu, A. Lanterman, and D.C. Munson, Jr., “Multistatic Passive Radar Imaging of Aircraft: A Feasibility Study Using FISC,” Proc. URSI National Science Radio Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 9-11, 2002.
  18. D. Lanterman, “Deconvolution Techniques for Passive Radar Systems,” Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery IX, Proc. SPIE 4727, Ed: E.G. Zelnio, Orlando, FL, April 2002, pp. 166-177.
  19. M. Ehrman and A.D. Lanterman, “Automated Target Recognition using Passive Radar and Coordinated Flight Models,” Automatic Target Recognition XIII, Proc. SPIE 5094, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 2003, pp. 196-207.
  20. D. Lanterman, “Sampling from Multitarget Bayesian Posteriors for Random Sets via Jump-Diffusion Processes,” Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XII, Proc. SPIE 5096, Ed: I. Kadar, April 2003, pp. 300-311.
  21. M. Ehrman and A.D. Lanterman, “Target Identification Using Precomputed Radar Cross Sections and a Coordinated Flight Model,” Third Multinational Conference on Passive and Covert Radar, Ed: P. Kurzenhauser and B. Spickler, Univ. of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory, Oct. 21-23, 2003.
  22. M. Ehrman and A.D. Lanterman, “Robust Algorithm for Automated Target Recognition using Precomputed Radar Cross Sections,” Automatic Target Recognition XIV, Proc. SPIE 5426, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 12-16, 2004, pp. 197-208.
  23. Çetin and A.D. Lanterman, “Region-Enhanced Imaging for Sparse-Aperture Passive Radar,” Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XI, Proc. SPIE 5427, Ed: E.G. Zelnio, Orlando, FL, April 12-16, 2004, pp. 176-187.
  24. Tobias and A.D. Lanterman, “Multitarget Tracking using Multiple Bistatic Range Measurements with Probability Hypothesis Densities,” Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XIII, Proc. SPIE 5429, Ed: I. Kadar, Orlando, FL, April 12-16, 2004, pp. 296-305.
  25. D. Lanterman, “Passive Radar Imaging and Target Recognition using Illuminators of Opportunity,” NATO Symposium on Target Identification and Recognition Using RF Systems, Oslo, Norway, Oct. 11-13, 2004.
  26. M. Ehrman and A.D. Lanterman, “Assessing the Performance of a Covert Automatic Target Recognition Algorithm,” Automatic Target Recognition XV, Proc. SPIE 5807, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, March 28-April 1, 2005, pp. 77-87.
  27. F. Leven and A.D. Lanterman, “Multiple Target Tracking with Symmetric Measurement Equations Revisited: Unscented Kalman Filters, Particle Filters, and Taylor Seires Expansions,” Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XIX, Proc. SPIE 5810, Eds: M.K. Masten and L.A. Stockum, Orlando, FL, March 28-April 1, 2005, pp. 56-67.
  28. H. Dixon and A.D. Lanterman, “Toward Practical Pattern-Theoretic ATR Algorithms for Infrared Imagery,” Automatic Target Recognition XVI, Proc. SPIE 6234, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 17-21, 2006, pp. 212-220.
  29. H. Dixon and A.D. Lanterman, “Information-Theoretic Bounds on Target Recognition Performance from Laser Radar Data,” Automatic Target Recognition XVI, Proc. SPIE 6234, Ed: F.A. Sadjadi, Orlando, FL, April 17-21, 2006, pp. 394-403.