Aaron’s Stock of Unusual Components
See my
datasheet and ap note collection for details on these parts.
NJM13600D (a few)
NJM13700D, LM13700D (lots)
CA3080 (I stocked up while they’re still available, but these are out of
production and should be used sparingly for implementing old designs – see
if you can use a 13700 instead….)
CA3280 (a few – out of production, very expensive, use extremely sparingly)
Specialized VCA chips:
SSM2164P (a few)
SSM2018 (a couple)
THAT2180 (a few)
Norton amps: LM3900 (lots)
BJT arrays:
CA3046, CA3083 (lots)
SMT: HFA3046, HFA3096 (a couple each, for experimentation)
(I can’t seem to find anyone with CA3096s in stock, but I’m looking)
H11F1, H11F2, H11F3 (some)
Comparators: LM319N (a few), LM339 (a few) (I think there’s LM311s all over
the labs already, so I didn’t get any of those)
High-quality BJT audio op amps: NJM5532D, NJM5534D, NE5534 (a few)
Workhorse JFET input audio op amps:
TL071, TL072, TL074, TL081, TL082, TL084 (lots)
Low-power JFET input audio op amps:
LF442, LF444 (just a few – we can try swapping them in some circuits
to see what difference they make)
Really insanely incredibly high input impedence JFET op amp:
CA3140 (some) – Good for integrators and sample & holds
Fancy JFET input op amps (allegedly good for both audio and DC):
OP275GP, OPA134PA, OPA2134PA (just a few – we can try swapping them in some
circuits to see if they make any difference)
Multiplier: MC1496 (a few)
VTL5C3/2 (some
Matched BJT pairs:
2SA798 PNP (lots)
2SC1583 NPN (lots)
NTE42 (2SC1583 replacement) (a couple for comparison to the real thing)
NTE43 (2SA798 replacement) (a couple for comparison to the real thing)
SSM2210 (a few)
SSM2220 (a couple)
MAT02EH-ND ($15ish each!)
MAT04 ($6.78 each)
(The MATS are for experimentation only –
they are not for permament use in a built design!)